Vrbo + Newbook

VRBO Integration

Enhance your digital presence and reach more of your ideal guests.

VRBO Integration

For 25 years, Vrbo has been the world’s leading vacation rental choice for families.

Vrbo helps bring you travelers who stay longer and spend more plus help you reach a global network of Expedia Group travelers to bring the world within reach.* NewBook has a direct connection with the world’s leading Online Travel Managers (OTA’s) and Channel Managers, so that you can maximize your exposure online and reach more potential guests.

Vrbo is the world’s leading vacation rental choice for families.

Why list with Vrbo?

  • Families who book on Vrbo spend 3X more money and take 5X longer trips than other travelers.
  • Travelers who book on Vrbo receive an average overall rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars*
  • Automatic distribution to all global Vrbo sites, and eligibility to distribute to Expedia Group sites
  • Data insights from Vrbo and Expedia Group allow you to make smart decisions to increase traveler visibility, bookings, and revenue

How to connect to Vrbo

Connect directly to Vrbo through NewBook to automatically sync your reservations, rates, photos, amenities, and more plus get support from teams dedicated to integrated property managers. Get in touch with our team to get started.

Complete the steps in the activation guide to get connected.

See the full activation guide here.

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In business, you make your own luck. Don’t leave it to chance — take a look at Newbook.