
3 Key Tasks You Can Automate Now

Embracing automation will save you time and money, so let’s explore what sort of tasks can be automated at your property.

Automation is one of the most powerful yet underutilized tools in business. But what exactly is automation? In a nutshell, it streamlines your business processes by taking over repetitive tasks, freeing up your time to focus on what truly matters: delivering memorable guest experiences.

Here are three key tasks you can automate as an accommodation operator:

  1. Email and SMS Communication: Automate tasks like booking confirmations, pre-arrival upsells, guest surveys, access codes, and personalized messages. For example, send a midday SMS reminding guests to book activities or share a survey to gauge their stay’s satisfaction. This allows you to address any issues while they are still in-house, enhancing their overall experience.

  2. Reporting: Frequently generate reports, such as an occupancy report, automatically. Define the necessary filters and schedule the report to be emailed to you every Monday at 9:00 a.m. This ensures you have the latest data without lifting a finger.

  3. Dynamic Pricing: Implement dynamic pricing by setting your minimum and maximum nightly rates. Your Property Management System (PMS) will then automatically adjust rates based on occupancy and demand, ensuring no room goes unsold. This is both a timesaver and a revenue driver.

Automation can significantly enhance efficiency and guest satisfaction in the hospitality industry. For more tips on how to automate and save time in your business, reach out to our friendly team at Newbook.

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