NewBook’s Tourism Innovators Conference held ‘genuinely mind-blowing moments’ – Accom News
AccomNews attended day one of Tourism Innovators Conference held on the Gold Coast and it was enough to leave a buzz about what’s happening in our industry, and what’s to come.
The conference kicked off at 8am with sessions and workshops, with well-timed drink and lunch breaks catered by RACV Royal Pines Resort, before launching back into some limbering up and slightly awkward “get to know your neighbour” exercises.
The first session featured futurist Michael McQueen who informed the crowd the success of their businesses will rely on their ability to “œanticipate, prepare for and pre-empt disruption”. It was an insightful thought, he then followed with the fact that the world is moving faster than it’s ever done, and the future will not slow down. A daunting idea for someone who already feels like a salmon swimming upstream much of the time. “Revolution not evolution” was the key takeaway. Similar to the progression from the candle to the light bulb – it illuminated how quickly and radically tourism is changing, and how it will manifest with time.
Next was a CEO panel session featuring holiday park groups Ingenia, G’s day Group, NRMA and Reflections. It contained an absorbing insight into holiday park evolution as well as the truly inspiring and genuinely passionate industry leaders and their drive to increase sustainability.
After future delicious catering, the gifted Dr Jason Fox performed with a sparkling combination of intellect and humour imploring us to question the default and unpick our thinking to understand how the delusion of progress is holding us back. He presented his illustration, “lifecycle of a business,’ a cautionary tale on being launched into the deathly tentacles of the Kraken, propelled largely by a lack of fresh ideas. “Value input from everyone in your business, particularly your newest employees however unqualified they might seem,” says Fox, if you want to avoid oblivion.
Even the longer sessions were interspersed with were short bites of insight from leading industry players covering everything from payment solutions and direct booking drivers to the potential pitfalls to avoid when the time comes to sell an accommodation business.
At the end of the afternoon, brimming with new ideas, the delegates unwound and networked with canapes by the pool and a social event at Movie World.
The Tourism Innovators Conference is held biannually, by NewBook, with the organisers saying, “We understand how precious your time is “ it’s the most valuable asset of any business and I hope you walk away with new knowledge, tools and the courage to try something new in your business that could lead to massive time savings and revenue opportunities.”
There is an exhilaration to being in a space that encourages you to think differently. Next time this conference comes around, I’d urge you to go it might just change everything. Original Article Published by AccommNews. Click here to read the original article.